We will be building a simple registration desktop app with python and the famous python GUI builder -Tkinter.The purpose of this app is to serve as a registration system for receiving basic identification info.
This is just a simple app that can be built upon with other features.
Let us see the outline for our app. We will name this app Registrio. So the basic structure will be of two main parts. The Frontend and then the backend
The Front-End
Will have 5 main tabs or notebooks as follows.
- Home : For receiving the details such as the firstname, lastname,age,date of birth,address.
- View: For viewing all the details stored in our database
- Search : For searching and retrieving info from our database
- Export: For exporting our data into csv or xls
- About: Description of the app
The main features we will be using from the tkinter will be Entry,Labels,Button,ScrolledText,Treeview and finally DateEntry for the calendar.
The Back-End
This consist of interacting with the database via sqlite3 and then functions to interact with the front end and the database accordingly.
The Requirements
We will be using python’s core features as well as tkcalendar and scrolledtext packages for adding more features for the tkinter.
- Tkinter
- Tkcalendar
- Sqlite3
Below is a video of the entire process to make it easier to code along.
You can also check the code on github here
Thanks For Watching
Jesus Saves
By Jesse E.Agbe(JCharis)