Age of the Earth – Young Earth vs Old Earth

Evolutionist and most scientist proclaim and believe that the earth and the universe are millions of years old, however most religious folks such as Christians, Jews and Muslims believe otherwise. They say that the earth is quite young perhaps a few thousands of years like 7000 based on what they think the bible means and …

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Types of Processing Units for LLM and Machine Learning Apps

Every software requires a processing unit in order for it to run, however the kind of processing unit and circuitry among other things has a great influence on the performance and speed of the software. Large Language Models are also a form of software and they require the right infrastructure for better speed of inference. …

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Pydantic & Dataclasses – How to Allow Extra Kwargs

Dataclasses act as code generators when working with Objects and Classes in python. It allows us to easily benefit from the dunder methods that are required when creating a class such as __init__, `__eq__`, etc . When working with external data sources, however, there may arise situations where additional parameters beyond those explicitly declared in …

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Implement Higher Order Functions in Go Lang – Map, Reduce and Filter

Higher-order functions are a fundamental concept in functional programming, and Go is no exception. In some time ago we explored how to implement some of the higher order functions in Python,you can check out the video here . In this tutorial we will learn how to implement them in Go. In Go, higher-order functions are …

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How to use PyGWalker with Flask in Python

Pygwalker is a python framework with a look and feel like Tableau, that allows data scientists to analyze data and visualize patterns with simple drag-and-drop operations. In this tutorial we will see how to use PyGWalker in Flask. We will build a web application whereby a user can upload a csv file and analyze it …

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