Truth and Principles

Age of the Earth – Young Earth vs Old Earth

Evolutionist and most scientist proclaim and believe that the earth and the universe are millions of years old, however most religious folks such as Christians, Jews and Muslims believe otherwise. They say that the earth is quite young perhaps a few thousands of years like 7000 based on what they think the bible means and …

Age of the Earth – Young Earth vs Old Earth Read More »

The Threats and Downsides of LLMs and ChatGPT

ChatGPT and LLMs(Large Language Models) are very useful information and search technologies.Unlike search engines,they do not just give information when queried they rather generate the written content.They offer several benefits such as below. It offers a conversational and interactive experience for retrieving information. It can be used for language translation and grammer correction It can …

The Threats and Downsides of LLMs and ChatGPT Read More »

50 AI Ideas and Applications with Bible

Below are some interesting AI ideas and applications with the Bible as the source or target Intelligent Bible Commentary : An AI-powered tool that provides commentary on specific Bible verses based on historical and cultural context. Bible Character Generation : An AI-powered tool that can generate unique biblical characters with their own backgrounds, personalities, and …

50 AI Ideas and Applications with Bible Read More »