Copying Model Instance Vs Versioning Model Instance In Django

Recently I was working on a project that involved how to keep track of changes made to a django model. This brought us to consider which approach to use, i.e whether to copy or to version using different strategies.

To begin let us understand the different between the two concept.

Difference Between Copying A Model And Versioning A Model Instance

The difference between copying a model instance and versioning a model instance in Django can be summarized as follows: Copying a Model Instance:

  • Copying a model instance involves creating a new instance that is an exact replica of an existing instance, including all field values.
  • Copying is typically done when you want to create a new instance with the same field values as an existing instance, but with a different primary key (pk).
  • Copying a model instance requires manually creating a new instance and assigning the values from the existing instance to the corresponding fields.
  • The copied instance will have the same field values as the original instance, but with a different primary key.
  • Copying does not involve any versioning or tracking of changes made to the instance.

Versioning a Model Instance:

  • Versioning a model instance involves creating a new instance to represent a specific version or snapshot of the original instance.
  • Versioning is typically done when you want to track changes made to an instance over time or maintain a history of different versions.
  • Versioning can be implemented using techniques such as creating a separate model for versions or using a version control system.
  • Each versioned instance represents a specific state of the original instance at a particular point in time.
  • Versioning allows you to access and compare different versions of an instance, view the history of changes, and revert to previous versions if needed.

In summary, copying a model instance creates a new instance with the same field values but a different primary key, while versioning a model instance creates new instances to represent different versions or snapshots of the original instance, allowing for tracking and managing changes over time.

Give me examples

To implement the option of creating a new instance with copied field values using the Package model and PackageVersion model, you can follow these steps:

  1. Retrieve the instance of the Package model that you want to copy.
Class Package(models.Model):
   name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
Class PackageVersion(models.Model):
   package = models.ForeignKey(Package)
   version_number = models.IntergerField()
   version_name = models.CharField(max_length=255)

# other files
my_package = Package.objects.get(pk=<package_id>)
  1. Create a new instance of the PackageVersion model and assign the values from the Package instance.
package_version = PackageVersion()
package_version.package = package_version

# get the version number and add 1 in order to assign 
latest_version = PackageVersion.objects.filter(package=package).order_by('-version_number').first()
new_version_number = latest_version.version_number + 1 if latest_version else 1

package_version.version_number = new_version_number
package_version.version_name =
# Assign any other fields as needed
  1. Set the primary key (pk) of the new PackageVersion instance to None. = None
  1. Save the new PackageVersion instance.

By setting the primary key (pk) of the new PackageVersion instance to None before saving it, you ensure that a new record is created in the database with a new primary key. This effectively creates a new instance with the same field values as the existing Package instance. Please note that this approach copies only the field values of the Package instance to the PackageVersion instance. It does not copy related objects or many-to-many relationships. If you need to copy related objects or many-to-many relationships, you will need to handle them separately.

Use Cases

Some use cases for versioning a model instance in Django include:

  1. Auditing and History Tracking: Versioning allows you to keep track of changes made to a model instance over time. This can be useful for auditing purposes, maintaining a history of modifications, and tracking who made the changes.
  2. Rollbacks and Reverting: Versioning enables you to revert to previous versions of a model instance if needed. This can be helpful in scenarios where you want to undo changes or restore a previous state of the data.
  3. Collaboration and Collaboration Conflict Resolution: Versioning can facilitate collaboration among multiple users working on the same model instance. It helps in identifying conflicts, resolving conflicts, and merging changes made by different users.
  4. Data Analysis and Reporting: Versioning allows you to analyze and report on changes made to a model instance over time. This can provide insights into patterns, trends, and historical data.
  5. Compliance and Regulatory Requirements: Versioning can be essential for compliance with regulations that require maintaining a record of data changes, such as in industries like finance, healthcare, or legal.
  6. Experimentation and A/B Testing: Versioning can be useful for conducting experiments or A/B testing by creating different versions of a model instance and comparing the results.

It’s important to note that there are several third-party packages available in the Django ecosystem that provide versioning functionality, such as django-reversions, django-simple-history, and django-pghistory. These packages offer additional features and tools for implementing version control in Django models.

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