API Development

How to Generate Documentations with MkDocs

Documentations are essential for building softwares, in fact documentation is also part of the software you design and develop. It is what differentiate a good software from not a good one. In this tutorial we will be learning how to use a nice library called mkdocs to generate documentations for our software project. As the …

How to Generate Documentations with MkDocs Read More »


Introduction to Hug Framework – Building a Package,API and CLI at once

In this tutorial we will be learning about how to work with a nice framework called Hug. Hug is a framework that allows you to expose a single code in several ways. You can use hug to build some cool products . You can check out how to use hug to productionize your ML models …

Introduction to Hug Framework – Building a Package,API and CLI at once Read More »