Document Redaction & Censoring Web App with SpaCy

Document Redaction & Censoring Web App with SpaCy In this tutorial we will be building a document redaction and sanitization web application with flask and spacy. We will be using spaCy’s named entity recognition to help us in our document redaction and censorship. SpaCy has a very powerful named entity recognition feature that allows us …

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Document Redaction & Sanitization Using SpaCy’s Named Entity Recognition

Automatic Redaction of Document using Spacy’s Named Entity Recognition In this tutorial we will see how to use spacy to do document redaction and sanitization. So what is document sanitization or redaction? Sanitization is the process of removing sensitive information from a document or other message (or sometimes encrypting it), so that the document may …

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Predicting Location of Bible Passages/Verses Using Machine Learning with Python

Predicting Bible Verse and their location using ML with Python In this tutorial we will be learning how to predict the location of a particular bible verse or passage whether they are in the old testament or new testament using Machine Learning. This is a supervised machine learning approach in which we have a set …

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Building A Text Summarizer Web App with Flask ,SpaCy,NLTK,Gensim & Sumy [Summaryzer App]

Do you love reading but you seem not to have all the time to read lengthy documents and articles? Then this application we will be building will help you set up a simple solution for your challenge. We will call this app Summaryzer Web App. In this tutorial we will be building a Text/Document Summarizer …

Building A Text Summarizer Web App with Flask ,SpaCy,NLTK,Gensim & Sumy [Summaryzer App] Read More »

How To Summarize Text or Document With Sumy

Text Summarization Using Sumy & Python In this tutorial we will learn about how to summarize documents or text using  a simple yet powerful package called Sumy. How to Installation pip install sumy Sumy offers several algorithms and methods for summarization such as: Luhn – heurestic method Latent Semantic Analysis Edmundson heurestic method with previous …

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polyglot python

Introduction to Natural Language Processing with Polyglot

Natural Language Processing with Polyglot In this tutorial we will be exploring another Python NLP package called Polyglot. Polyglot is a natural language pipeline that supports massive multilingual applications.Polyglot has a similar learning curve with TextBlob making it easier to pick up quickly if you know TextBlob. Installation on Unix sudo apt-get install python-numpy libicu-dev …

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Natural Language Processing with TextaCy & SpaCy

Natural Language Processing with TextaCy & SpaCy Spacy is a very high performance NLP library for doing several tasks of NLP with ease and speed. Let us explore another library built on top of SpaCy called TextaCy. Textacy Textacy is a Python library for performing higher-level natural language processing (NLP) tasks, built on the high-performance …

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